
As a parent, do I see the results of all of my children?


Yes, you can view the results of all children.


How much do quizzes cost?


There is no difference between the prices of the worksheets, their purchase is tied to subscription packages.


Can anyone create a quiz?


Yes, whoever registers can create a quiz. It is not mandatory that you have to be an official teacher, you can be an instructor, or are a hard-working student who is working on a particular topic.


When is QuizOffice paid?


Out-of-school use is always subject to a fee, which is based on: In the case of internal company use, the company pays for the filling. In all other cases (in case of public shared or private use), the person (student) pays for the filling in of the quizzes.


When is QuizOffice free?


Creating quizzes is free for everyone. Filling in quizzes is only free for schools.


Is QuizOffice free?


Creating quizzes is always free, but filling them in is not always.For example, if someone receives the worksheet in a private circle, (from school, company) it is free, if they fill in a public quizzes, it usually requires a subscription, but there are also some free quizzes.


Can anyone use QuizOffice?


Yes, you only need a valid registration.


What is QuizOffice?


QuizOffice is a quiz creation and sharing application. Quiz creators can share, publish and sell them. Alternatively, you can fill out the quizzes and the system will evaluate them immediately.


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